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Famimals: The Animalergy

Humanity is an endangered species due to a Fatal Virus, and you may have the possibility to find the secret to immunity by coexisting in the wild with beautifully evolved animals. Would we be finally ready to coexist?

It is the year 2225 and it has been 200 years since Humans banned animals from cities because people started to believe that that humans became allergic to animals.

A very deadly Virus started to spread from human to Human, but later on animals were also transmitting the virus via their own meat and sadly, at some point humans assumed that the virus was also being transmitted through the Air by animals which ultimately caused the Ban.

Shortly after Animals were Banned, very cruel Animal Genocides occurred, which seemed to have extinguished all other animal species; nevertheless, Human civilization collapsed rapidly as the globe was not prepared for such as drastic change in the ecosystem and the rapid decline in the human population.  

Time passed and an estimate of 10,000 humans were alive, there hadn’t been any news of Humans encountering Animals for an exceptionally long time, until rumors spread about a gigantic Dog being seen with a Human who claimed to have been granted immunity to the virus by beautiful gigantic animals or Famimals as he named them, whom he had been coexisting with in a Paradise.    

In this 1 to 4 players game, your main goal is to adventure in the wild seeking animals, with the hope to discover a cure to the virus and/or the secret to immunity. You will need to become a strong survivalist and animal Tamer, to be accepted as a Family member to these wild animals, or Famimals as the man in the rumors named them.  

You can adventure Solo as a Novice Tamer, or you can travel and cooperate with other rookies like you. However, if you already became an experience Tamer, you will travel along your Famimals as companions. You will be seeking resources, and to increase your Family, while also looking for the formula or secret to give immunity to the humans that may still be alive.

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